Fire Alarm Monitoring for Universities and Education
When there is a fire on any kind of educational campus, it's important that the fire alarm is working properly. That's what enables firefighters and other first responders to arrive as quickly as possible and save lives.
Your students and faculty depend on your monitoring system during an emergency

Never forget the valuable role you play in protecting students and faculty on your campus.
Alarm monitoring isn't flashy, but it has tremendous importance in the unlikely (but always possible) event of a major fire.
NFPA code and local regulations require that all fire alarm systems be properly monitored.
As a university or college administrator, you are responsible for the safety of your students and staff. Fire alarm systems are an essential part of any fire safety plan, and it is important to choose a system that will meet the needs of your campus.
You can't afford to ignore your responsibility
The penalties for failing to comply with NFPA fire code can be significant. There's the obvious toll of human casualties during an emergency. Also, fines and even jail time for negligence are not unheard of for institutions that do not have an adequate fire alarm monitoring system in place.
It is important to choose a fire alarm monitoring system that meets the requirements of NFPA and your local regulations.
With the right help, you can do this
You can design a great, code-compliant alarm monitoring system. You just need to talk to an expert.
Look for a company with a long history of successful projects. You should be treated like a client rather than "just a customer". Ask to speak with an engineer who understands the requirements and best practices of fire alarm monitoring.
Digitize will help you build the right monitoring system
Digitize offers fire alarm monitoring systems that can be tailored to the specific needs of your university or college. Our experienced engineers will work with you to select the best fire alarm system for your campus, and we can provide remote monitoring services to ensure that your fire alarms are always working properly.
Together, we can design a system that meets your specific needs and contributes to your compliance with NFPA code.
With Digitize, you can rest assured that your fire alarm system is being monitored by experts. Call us now at 1-800-523-7232 or send a quick email to